Nalgene Mr. Frosty™ Freezing Containe
产品英文名称:Nalgene Mr. Frosty™ Freezing Container,4.5 to 5.0ml
产品中文名称:Nalgene Mr. Frosty™细胞冻存盒,适用4.5 to 5.0ml
Nalgene Mr. Frosty™ Freezing Container 细胞冻存盒,适用4.5 to 5.0ml产品介绍:
Thermo Scientific生产的Nalgene Mr. Frosty冻存盒使用方法简单,盒身有图示说明具体操作步骤,程序自动降温,降温速率在-1°C/分钟,是细胞冻存的最佳选择。Nalgene Mr. Frosty冻存盒精选材料制作,盒身为聚碳酸酯(具有耐酸,耐油和优异的抗冲击性),旋盖和内槽为高密度聚乙烯,盒内嵌有泡沫。Nalgene Mr. Frosty冻存盒(5100-0050)可以容纳12到18个管瓶,适合Nalgene4.5 to 5.0ml 管瓶。直径117mm,外高86mm设计充分节约了冻存空间。盒内支架可以防止管瓶与醇接触,避免由于芯吸作用而造成的污染、弄坏标签或是在管瓶上留下印痕。使用时需自备异丙醇和冷冻设备。
Nalgene Mr. Frosty™ Freezing Container 细胞冻存盒,适用4.5 to 5.0ml 产品特征 Features:
1.Holds 12 to 18 tubes and has profile height of 86 or 151mm (3-7/16 to 5-5/16 in.), which saves precious freezer space during the cooling process
2.Screw top lid secures samples inside in the event of accidental container tipping
3.Eliminates unreliable, improvised foam container devices
4.Easy to use—requires only 100% isopropyl alcohol and a mechanical freezer
5.No contact with the alcohol: no wicking, no label removal and no compromise of tube hand printing
Nalgene Mr. Frosty™细胞冻存盒,适用4.5ml to 5.0ml 产品英文描述:
The Thermo Scientific* Nalgene* Mr. Frosty containers provide a simple-to-use system designed to achieve a rate of cooling very close to -1°C/minute, the optimal rate for cell preservation. Freeze cells in tubes from 1-5mL.
Polycarbonate containers with blue high-density polyethylene closure. Gray high-density polyethylene vial holder, foam insert.
Nalgene Mr. Frosty™细胞冻存盒适用4.5 to 5.0ml 相关产品订购信息:
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